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When was this company launched?

This company was launched on October 4, 2021. At that time, the owner did not have a clear roadmap and logo to start his business, but this would certainly not stop him from officially enrolling his business.

The only thing the owner had was something that every human being on this planet has within them, something that will live on forever, even longer than humans. You guessed it, an IDEA. Just an idea. 

What makes our logo special? 

This logo is special not only for the way it looks, but especially for what it means. It is an amalgamation of two animals that together form a meaningful symbol named LEÓN ÁGUILA. 

This brand is developed in a harmonious way of passion and love for fashion.

What inspired the owner of this brand? 

Before the founder of this brand studied these two animals, he was never so inspired. The character traits of these two animals are also the key to success in all aspects for every human being on the planet.

The owner wants to bring attention to the specialness of these two animals by starting a clothing line that will live on forever.

What does LEON AGUILA stand for? 

LEÓN ÁGUILA is the Spanish translation of Lion Eagle. 

The lion is called the king of the animal kingdom (land) and the eagle is called the king of the bird kingdom (sky) for a reason. First, because of their attitude! Which includes their willpower, optimism and determination.

Experience the difference that quality makes. Join us at LEÓN ÁGUILA,
where exceptional t-shirts are just the beginning of your style journey.